Growing up, I was told, directly and indirectly, that I wasn’t good enough. When I was in 8th grade my father used these words on me to try and motivate me to get held back a year and be a star in baseball. So whether it was in school, sports, or social settings, those words became a mantra I carried with me, pushing me to prove them wrong. I even wrote the phrase “You Are Not Good Enough” under my baseball cap in high school as a constant reminder to strive for more.

But what I didn’t realize at the time was the immense damage that came with this constant drive to measure up to an invisible standard. Instead of building me up, it chipped away at my sense of self-worth, creating a cycle of achievement that never truly satisfied me. I was always trying to prove myself and prove that I was worthy of love.


As I navigated through my early career and personal life, I found success, but it was hollow. I was thriving in real estate, selling more homes than I ever imagined, even breaking company records as one of the top realtors in the western United States. I even broke the record for the most expensive home sold in Utah.

Despite all the outward success, I felt disconnected from my core beliefs. Leaving behind certain values I once held tightly forced me into a journey of rediscovery—a path where I had to confront the shame that had been fueling my achievements and find new ways to align with who I truly was.


As I continued to grow, men around me began asking the same question: “How do I grow a friend group like you?”

They saw the relationships I had, the network I had built, and the way I connected with people, and they wanted to know how to do the same. It wasn’t just about networking; it was about building real, authentic connections. Doing life with people that truly pushed you to be your best self in every sense of the word.

That’s when it hit me—I had developed a formula for this, and it was something I needed to share with others.


Through years of discovery and being personally coached by mentors like Tony Robbins and Ed Mylett,
I finally realized that I was enough all along.


This realization led to the creation of We Are The They, a men’s community built on the principles of vulnerability, authenticity, and integrity.

I knew from my own journey that these were the keys to real transformation.

Being vulnerable allows men to open up and grow; being authentic brings about trust and genuine connections, and being in integrity ensures that we stay true to our commitments and values.

Through this community, I’ve been able to teach men how to build strong, meaningful relationships, gain unwavering confidence, and live a life of purpose and passion.

Authenticity, Vulnerability, Integrity

As I rebuilt my life, I learned that true success and fulfillment come from embracing three core principles: authenticity, vulnerability, and integrity.

Every good thing in my life came when I was in alignment in these 3 areas and every problem I’ve ever faced was because I was falling short in one of these key principles.

These are the pillars upon which our community, We Are The They is built upon.


Authenticity is about being true to yourself and living a life that aligns with your values, rather than one shaped by external pressures. It’s about removing the masks we wear and showing up as our true selves, even when it’s uncomfortable.


Vulnerability, often mistaken for weakness, is actually one of the greatest strengths a man can have. It’s the ability to open up, admit our struggles, and ask for help when we need it. This is where real growth happens—when we stop pretending that we have it all together and start being honest about where we are.


Integrity is the thread that ties everything together. It’s about being consistent in our actions, staying true to our word, and living in a way that is aligned with our values. When we are in integrity, we build trust with others and with ourselves. It’s the foundation of all meaningful relationships and the key to leading a life of purpose.

These 3 principles are not just ideals; they are actionable steps that I have used to transform my own life and the lives of the men in our community.

And they form the basis of the 8 steps to becoming a complete man.

The 8 Steps of Becoming a
Complete Man

1 - Mind of a Warrior

A man must cultivate a mindset of resilience, discipline, and focus. This is about mental toughness—being able to face challenges head-on and persist through adversity. Having a vision for your life and a purpose for your everyday actions. The mind of a warrior is one that doesn’t back down but embraces the battles of life with courage and determination.

2 - Body of a Gladiator

Physical health is foundational. A strong body supports a strong mind and spirit. This step emphasizes the importance of regular exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care. It’s about building a body that is capable and ready to take on the world.

3 - Get Your House in Order

A man must be the king of his domain. This means taking responsibility for your life—your finances, your home, and your relationships. It’s about creating a life that is organized, disciplined, and stable, so you can be a rock for those around you.

4 - Leadership

True leadership begins with leading yourself. Before you can lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself with integrity and purpose. This step is about developing the skills to influence, inspire, and guide those around you, starting with your own life.

5 - Growing Healthy Relationships:

Relationships are the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. This step focuses on building and maintaining healthy, meaningful relationships—with your spouse, your children, your friends, and your community. It’s about learning the skills of communication, empathy, and mutual respect.

6 - Creating a Passionate Work-Life:

Work is not just about making a living; it’s about finding passion and purpose in what you do. This step is about aligning your career with your values and passions so that your work becomes a source of fulfillment, not just a means to an end.

7 -Be the King and Own the Room:

Confidence is key to success in any area of life. This step is about building self-assurance, learning to communicate effectively, and commanding respect in any situation. It’s about walking into a room with the presence of a king and owning your space. Learning social dynamics so that you can truly influence those around you.

8 - Healthy Masculinity:

In a world that often misunderstands or vilifies masculinity, it’s crucial to redefine what it means to be a man. This step is about embracing a form of masculinity that is strong yet compassionate, assertive yet respectful. It’s about being a protector, a provider, and a pillar of strength for those you love.


Unlock Your Potential: 45 Keys to Being a Better Man

Practical strategies for personal growth, success, and fulfillment. Your roadmap to becoming a better man begins here.




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